
budgetary consideration中文什么意思

发音:   用"budgetary consideration"造句
  • 财政预算考虑因素
  • consideration:    n. 1.考虑,考察;讨论,商量。 2.照顾,关心;体谅 ...
  • budgetary:    计划中规定的; 预算的
  • consideration:    n. 1.考虑,考察;讨论,商量。 2.照顾,关心;体谅,体恤。 3.报酬,补偿。 4.尊敬,敬意。 5.原因,理由;须考虑到的事实[问题];理由。 6.〔罕用语〕重要性。 a man of consideration要人。 That's a consideration. 那是一个值得考虑的问题。 after due consideration 经相当考虑后。 be of no consideration 并不紧要,没有什么问题。 for a consideration 为求报酬,为求补偿(He sold it for a consideration. 为了换取一点补偿,他把它低价卖掉了)。 for the consideration of 作为…的参考。 give adequate consideration to 适当照顾。 in consideration of 考虑到,因,由于;以作…的谢礼,酬劳。 leave out of consideration 置之度外,不以…为意。 not on any consideration 决不。 (be) of consideration 值得考虑[重要]的。 on no consideration 决不(On no consideration could I consent. 我决不能同意)。 out of consideration for your feelings 看你面上,由于照顾你的情绪。 take into consideration 估量到,斟酌。 show [have] consideration for (sb.'s position) 考虑[照顾]到(某人处境)。 taking one consideration with another 对各方面进行考虑。 the first consideration 第一要件,最重要的事。 under consideration 考虑中,研究中。 under no consideration 决不。 without due consideration (不假思索)贸然,轻率。
  • for consideration:    以供考虑
  • in consideration of:    报答;由于; 鉴于; 考虑到;照顾到; 在考虑…时; 照顾到
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  1. While there are thousands of traffic animal breeding grounds along the paved networks of the world , only one driving region has been extensively explored at this time , largely due to budgetary considerations
  2. 3 . 32 - in determining the civil service pay adjustment , the government also takes into account other factors , such as changes to the cost of living , the state of the economy , budgetary considerations , the staff sides pay claims and civil service morale
    3 . 32政府厘定公务员薪酬调整幅度时,也会考虑生活费用的变动经济环境财政预算职方的加薪要求及公务员士气。
  3. 2 . 43 in determining the civil service pay adjustment , the government takes into account the results of the pay trend survey , changes to the cost of living , the state of the economy , budgetary considerations , the staff sides pay claims and civil service morale


        consideration:    n. 1.考虑,考察;讨论,商量。 2.照顾,关心;体谅 ...
        budgetary:    计划中规定的; 预算的
        consideration:    n. 1.考虑,考察;讨论,商量。 2.照顾,关心;体谅,体恤。 3.报酬,补偿。 4.尊敬,敬意。 5.原因,理由;须考虑到的事实[问题];理由。 6.〔罕用语〕重要性。 a man of consideration要人。 That's a consideration. 那是一个值得考虑的问题。 after due consideration 经相当考虑后。 be of no consideration 并不紧要,没有什么问题。 for a consideration 为求报酬,为求补偿(He sold it for a consideration. 为了换取一点补偿,他把它低价卖掉了)。 for the consideration of 作为…的参考。 give adequate consideration to 适当照顾。 in consideration of 考虑到,因,由于;以作…的谢礼,酬劳。 leave out of consideration 置之度外,不以…为意。 not on any consideration 决不。 (be) of consideration 值得考虑[重要]的。 on no consideration 决不(On no consideration could I consent. 我决不能同意)。 out of consideration for your feelings 看你面上,由于照顾你的情绪。 take into consideration 估量到,斟酌。 show [have] consideration for (sb.'s position) 考虑[照顾]到(某人处境)。 taking one consideration with another 对各方面进行考虑。 the first consideration 第一要件,最重要的事。 under consideration 考虑中,研究中。 under no consideration 决不。 without due consideration (不假思索)贸然,轻率。
        for consideration:    以供考虑
        in consideration of:    报答;由于; 鉴于; 考虑到;照顾到; 在考虑…时; 照顾到
        no consideration:    无报酬, 无偿, 无代价
        of the consideration:    代价所值
        on no consideration:    决不
        past consideration is no consideration:    不要式原则
        budgetary account:    预算科目; 预算帐户
        budgetary accounting:    预算会计
        budgetary accounts:    预算帐目,预算帐户
        budgetary allocations:    财政预算分配
        budgetary allotment:    预算分配
        budgetary allowance:    预算准备
        budgetary amount:    预算支出
        budgetary appropriation:    预算拨款
        budgetary appropriations:    财政拨款
        budgetary aspect:    预算问题
        budgetary authority:    财政资金支配权
        budgetary biennium:    预算两年期
        budgetary ceiling:    预算最高限额
        budgetary center:    预算中心
        budgetary committee:    预算委员会
        budgetary compensation:    预算补偿


  1. budgetary budget year 什么意思
  2. budgetary ceiling 什么意思
  3. budgetary center 什么意思
  4. budgetary committee 什么意思
  5. budgetary compensation 什么意思
  6. budgetary constraint 什么意思
  7. budgetary control 什么意思
  8. budgetary control plan 什么意思
  9. budgetary control procedure 什么意思
  10. budgetary control report 什么意思


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